Starting a business

Registration and starting a business in Croatia

Learn more about registration and starting a business 

Establishing a Small Business in Croatia

You can establish a small business through the online service “e-Obrt” or START or by personally visiting the premises of the competent administrative body

Establishment of a Company

You can significantly shorten the process of founding a company if you decide to use the HITRO.HR entrepreneurial service

EU Internal Market Centre

Obtain unique access to information on business activities, employment, education or trends in the EU internal market

Requirements for Performing a Professional Activity

Certain service activities require the fulfilment of special conditions, and the list of those activities, as well as the information on all the necessary permits and related costs can be found in one place 

Freedom to provide services in Croatia

Freedom to provide services must not be restricted within the Union for citizens and providers with business establishments in other Member States

Recognition of professional qualifications in Croatia

Learn more about options for recognition of professional qualifications in Croatia


Submission of applications for licenses required in fields of climate change and protection of the ozone layer, air protection, international and internal road transport and real estate transactions as well as downloading licenses in electronic form