Establishment of private primary schools, secondary schools and student dormitories in the Republic of Croatia
A private school institution is established by the founding act, and the founders can be natural and legal persons
Conditions for performing activities
Primary school, secondary school and dormitory (hereinafter: school institution) are established by the founding act issued by the founder in accordance with the provisions of the Institutions Act and the Primary and Secondary Education Act.
1. The founder of a school institution submits a request to the Ministry of Science and Education in order to obtain a decision assessing that the founding act is in accordance with the law, accompanied by:
• two copies of the founding act signed by the founder.
2. After the Ministry makes a decision on the assessment of compliance of the founding act with the law, the interim director of the school institution submits to the Ministry a request to start work, no later than three months before the planned start of work of the school institution.
• provisional statute
• list of professionals required for the implementation of the education program in accordance with the programs adopted by the Ministry or in accordance with the regulations of the state/institution in which the program is implemented
• data on space and equipment and the manner of their provision
• proof that the funds required for the establishment and start-up of the institution have been provided and the method of obtaining them
• evidence of fulfillment of technical, health and environmental conditions for performing the activity
• opinion of the competent international association or organization, if the school operates under an international program or an alternative school program
• evidence of fulfillment of the conditions set out in special regulations if the high school implements a nautical or naval engineering program.
3. In order to carry out the procedure of determining the fulfillment of the conditions for starting the work of a school institution, the Ministry shall appoint an expert commission which will determine whether the school institution meets the prescribed conditions for starting work, and the request is decided by a decision.
4. After the Ministry makes a decision on the beginning of work, the founder submits an application for entry of the school institution in the court register.
Needed documents:
• act on the establishment of a school institution
• statute of the school institution
• decision on the assessment of the compliance of the act on the establishment of a school institution with the law
• decision on the beginning of the work of the school institution.