Financial support of the “Croatia for Children” Foundation for natural persons

The “Croatia for Children” Foundation is providing financial support to natural person, that is, families in need

The Foundation provides different types of support, all of which are aimed at meeting various needs of children or families. The types of financial support provided by the Foundation to natural persons are:
  • Financial support for multiple births
  • Financial support for each foster child under the age of three
  • Financial support for children living with illness, children with health disorders and children with developmental disabilities 
  • Financial support for gifted children
  • Financial support for children in the education system
  • Financial support for everyday subsistence needs of children
  • Financial support for children leaving social care
  • Financial support for families whose financial situation was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic 
You can find all information about the types of support on the Foundation website in the Types of support section.

To exercise your right to the support, you need to file a duly filled in application for the support to the Foundation together with all of the required documentary evidence (Required documentation) which proves that you meet the requirements prescribed for the support in question.

How to apply?

You can file the apllication for the support with the enclosed documentation in several ways: With the aim of improving the experience of natural persons - both of the existing and future support beneficiaries, the Foundation made an electronic application which enables checking the status of application online (Checking the status).